XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society

Wellesbourne Matters

Wellesbourne Airfield is under the very real threat of being closed to make way for a very large housing development. You can help to prevent that from happening.

Stratford on Avon District Council has received a proposal from Gladman Developments to build 1,600 houses on the airfield. This proposal was submitted with the intention of being included in Stratford's Core Strategy the final form of which is due to be published very shortly. Although the Council has not voted to include the development as one of its preferred options, it is highly likely that the developers will still seek planning permission for the airfield site once the Core Strategy document has been published. A copy of the proposal can be downloaded from the Wellesbourne Matters website.(www.wellesbournematters.com)

In order to maintain Wellesbourne as an active airfield and market with the significant benefits it brings to the village and district, your help is urgently needed. You can help us by joining the Wellesbourne Matters Association and adding your name to the significant number of people who wish to retain the current activities on the airfield. An Association carries far greater weight with the Council and the Planning Inspectorate than would come from simply signing a petition.

You can join using the PayPal form on the Wellesbourne Matters website. The minimum joining fee is only 50p, but any additional contribution you can make will help to fund the work of the Wellesbourne Matters Association. The Wellesbourne Matters officers have in the last few days launched an urgent appeal to raise £50,000 within the next three months in order to acquire the expert legal help that will be needed to fight off this unwelcome threat to the airfield, market, businesses, museum and, of course, the Vulcan. The MaPS committee fully supports and endorses the actions of Wellesbourne Matters and is doing everything in its power to help them achieve the future of Wellesbourne....as an AIRFIELD!

Let us not be under any illusion - if Gladman are successful in their plans to close the airfield, then not only will the General Aviation industry lose one of a rapidly declining number of diverse and successful airfields, we will also lose all the associated employment with the airfield, the famous Saturday Market, the Wartime Museum, the Touchdown Cafe, and almost certainly XM655 itself - we cannot allow that to happen! If you haven't yet done so, please join Wellesbourne Matters TODAY and donate as much as you can afford to help with ensuring the future of Wellesbourne Airfield....

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