XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society

Visits to Vulcan XM655

Individual and family visitors are most welcome to come and look round the aircraft, take photographs and have a chat with the volunteers on any Saturday between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

Cockpit tours are available for a small donation - these donations help towards the cost of restoration and upkeep of the aircraft..

Virtual tours of XM655 are available here with 7 different areas of the aircraft available, courtesy of Tony Jauncey of www.i360uk.com

Members of XM655MaPS can have a free cockpit tour on production of their Membership Card.

For organised group visits please contact Damaris Tapp by email visits1@xm655.com

Organised Group Visitors will be able to see the aircraft with ground power on, and see the air-brakes, exterior lighting, bomb doors, and powered flying controls in operation (subject to serviceability).

Aerial View
Aerial View of XM655
Copyright© Av Magill


XM655 Pilots' Positions


Front Cockpit

Click the image for a 360º tour of the front cockpit, rear crew positions and bomb bay courtesy of Tony Jauncey
(Large file which will take time to load - 7 different 360° views available)


Rear Crew Positions
XM655 Rear Crew Positions

How to find us:

Vulcan XM655 is located next to the South Warwickshire Flying School, CV35 9EU. Entrance off Loxley Lane. (Marked as 2 on the map)

Wellesbourne Map

Click on the map for a closer view of the roads around Wellesbourne.

There is also a small air museum (the Wellesbourne Wartime Museum at the airfield, slightly further down Loxley road (park near the control tower and cafe area. (Marked as 3 on the map). However please note that the museum is open on Sundays and bank holidays only

If you are visiting us to attend a Taxi Run event, please use the directions on the Events page.

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