XM655MaPS Privacy Policy

655 Maintenance and Preservation Society (hereafter referred to as ‘655MaPS’) treats your privacy seriously. This policy sets out how we handle your ‘personal information’, this is information that can be used to identify or is related to the identity of, an individual.What information do we collect?

When you become a member of 655MaPS, you are asked to provide specific information. This will include:

  • Your Name
  • Home address
  • Email address
  • Telephone Number
  • Subscription preference

How do we collect this information?

The information is collected directly from you as part of the Membership application process, either on-line or by the Membership form. As part of this process we will request your consent to hold and use your data. This consent is required to ensure that we comply with data protection legislation.

Your Personal information, what is it used for?

Your personal information is used to:

  • Communicate with you for membership administration
  • Provide you with the Newsletter and other 655 related information

We may send you information via email or Post to advise you of 655MaPS activities.

Who do we share your personal information with?

We may disclose information about you, including your personal information:

  • Internally – Committee members – As required to organise your participation in 655MaPS activities
  • Externally – Under situations where we have a statutory duty to disclose for legal or regulatory reasons

Where we are required to share your information outside 655MaPS, we will seek your permission for its use, and inform you what it is required for.

How long will we keep your personal information?

The information that we collect from you will be maintained as long you are a member of 655MaPS.

How to View or Update your information

To ensure that the information we hold about you is as accurate as possible it can be viewed or maintained through the website, or by contacting the Membership Secretary at any time by email or post.

Email –  membership@xm655.com
Post   –  Membership Secretary
655 Maintenance and Preservation Society
Wellesbourne Airfield
Loxley Lane
CV35 9EU

Should you require to see the information we hold on you, you can enquire through the Membership Secretary at the address published above. In certain circumstances we may not be able to comply with your request, this would normally be due to your information containing reference to other individuals or for legal reasons. Where this caveat does not apply we will usually respond within 14 days of the request.

How do we store your information?

Your personal information is stored in a secured database as part of the 655MaPS website against loss or theft, unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Security is enabled by measures such as encryption (SSL (Secure Socket Layers)), which creates a secure link between the server and your browser, when logged into the online services.

The information is held in a secure database as part of the membership system that can be accessed by the authorised committee members – as appropriate.

Changes to this Policy

This Policy is available on the 655MaPS website. This Policy may change from due to legislative requirements. If we need make changes you will be notified in the Newsletter.


Any queries about this policy should be sent to the 655MaPS Data Protection Officer.



Supporting the Maintenance and Preservation of XM655 in a taxiable state


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