Visits to XM655

XM655 is available for visits both by individuals and by larger organised parties.

Individual and family visitors are most welcome to come and look round the aircraft, take photographs and have a chat with the volunteers on any Saturday between 10.00am and 4.00pm. However, please check the top of the Home page or our Facebook page a day or so before your planned visit to ensure that aircraft access is not restricted for some reason.  If you are planning ahead and wish to ensure we will be open on your planned date, please contact us using the link on the Contacts page. During your visit, cockpit tours are usually available for a small donation – these donations help towards the cost of restoration and upkeep of the aircraft. Members of XM655MaPS can have a free cockpit tour on production of their Membership Card.

Organised visits can be arranged for parties of up to 24 participants, who will be able to see the aircraft with ground power on, and see the air-brakes, exterior lighting, bomb doors, and powered flying controls in operation (subject to serviceability) in addition to cockpit visits. For car clubs and similar groups we can usually arrange access for photographs of their vehicles in front of the aircraft. To arrange an organised group visit please use the link on the Contacts page.

Although rather slow to load, virtual tours of XM655 are available here with 7 different areas of the aircraft covered, courtesy of Tony Jauncey of

The embedded YouTube video below was created by Ben Lovegrove following his visit to XM655 as an example of the activities available.

Supporting the Maintenance and Preservation of XM655 in a taxiable state


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