Today’s visit to XM655 at Wellesbourne by the Rover 75 & MG ZT Club continued our unwanted tradition of wet Saturdays, but we were also able to get some maintenance work done.
All posts by Eric Ranshaw
3rd September 2016
Another Saturday in the category of “weather tried to stop play” at Wellesbourne today. Our afternoon visitors from the Petersfield Aero Modellers seem to have enjoyed themselves despite the wet conditions.
27th August 2016
Pleasant weather at Wellesbourne this morning for the visit by the Classic Corvette Club and their vehicles.
20th August 2016
Busy day at Wellesbourne today, so busy that hardly any pictures were taken.
13th August 2016
Lots of activity in the good weather at Wellesbourne today. We had booked visits from the Pilots and Friends of Rochester Airport and by the Bristol Flight Sim Group, plus lots of casual visitors.
6th August 2016
A busy day in the sunshine at Wellesbourne today, with an afternoon visit by members of the Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Group.
30th July 2016
Still a little down on volunteer numbers because of summer holidays and other commitments, but the MaPS team at Wellesbourne today handled lots of casual visitors.
23rd July 2016
Visits by two organised groups at Wellesbourne today, with our regular visitors from the Spice Group in the morning and the second half of last week’s Nissan Skyline Owners Club in the afternoon.
16th July 2016
Farnborough was the alternative attraction luring away some of our volunteers today, but we still had enough folks to welcome an afternoon visit from the Nissan Skyline Owners Club.
9th July 2016
Much of today at Wellesbourne was taken up by meetings (Wings and Wheels wash-up followed by the quarterly management committee) and with some volunteers away at RIAT we were a bit short-handed for a visit from the Aston Martin Area 15 Owners Club.