A very busy and productive weekend despite the often atrocious weather!
At the pan, further inspection was done of the number 4 engine bay wiring and as this didn’t turn up any conclusive results, we turned our attention to the wiring above number 3. Here, we were to find a possible cause of our issues… Some cabling, that appears to be original, has succumbed to the years and the elements with the insulation and general condition in a less than favourable state!
While chasing our tails, work was going on, on the No.4 engine which has had a problem with fuel and oil leaking through the CMFS (Chassis Mounted Fuel system). While the engine was out for the wiring inspection it was thought to be a good time to remove the CMFS to cure this problem, a large amount of investigation had been carried out into how the CMFS is put together so that units can be stripped and repaired for our operation. Unfortunately the CMFS cannot be removed completely in our engine stand due to the proximity of the upright supporting the engine, so the engine will have to be suspended under the engine bay to allow the faulty unit to be removed.
We had a good number of visitors throughout the day on top of our organised visits which included the GBMCC and the High Wycombe and District rifle and pistol club. Our P&D team also did an amazing amount of work given the weather conditions they had to endure!
And we must not forget our “away” team who had a stand at the Woodford Wings and Wheels event and had a very successful and positive weekend spreading the XM655 cheer and news.
We also had time (out of the weather!) for a presentation to our chairman… Something to do with a birthday or something… 😉
Pictures are courtesy of Isi, James, Kay and Ross